It's really great just to see them since I've been gone since August. I met them at their hotel on friday and after we got something to eat, they went to bed after so much traveling. The night was young for me though, as my host sister told me we were going to meet some friends at a discotheque called The Queen. That ended up not working out, so we went to someone's house instead and I got to practice my French some more (definitely less difficult than the party on my first night!). I wish I had taken photos there, Carina and I have so much fun going out together!
A late night was poorly timed with an early morning trip to Versailles, but nothing a little coffee couldn't help. This time, I actually went IN the palace rather than just running around the grounds. Tickets come with headphones and a device to punch in numbers and listen to audio for different rooms. I guess they wanted to keep the clips relatively short, but the program didn't do a very good job of interpreting the overall history of the building or give the most relevant information for each room. The random tidbits that we picked up were pretty interesting, and it was fun to just to see everything. Plus, my art history professor talked about Versailles in class the day before, so I was able to notice a few things she talked about (emphasis on few - that class would be overwhelming even in English!). Here's my dad and me strolling through the Gallerie des Glaces.

I keep forgetting my camera, so I'm relying on ones snatched from my mom's. She had her white balance on a weird setting, so all the outdoor photos look blue.

There were sheep in the field behind us. They evaded the camera.

My parents in front of the canal.

I like to think of myself as a master of interactive photos. We had some fun with the statues from a few feet away.

Dad got creative and incorporated a full body pose. I learned from the best.
Sunday my families got to meet each other when my parents came over to the apartment! That was really fun and then I got to show them around my 'hood.
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