Anyway, here are some photos from my first venture inside the Louvre - I went to the courtyard years ago with Elisabeth's family and even though Philippe and I went in this time, we weren't there for long, hence the Pt I title because I'm sure I'll be back. There seem to be lots of loopholes to get in for free - my Sorbonne student ID alone was not enough, but that with my driver's license was...whereas Philippe's French passport worked for him.

We went to the sculpture section and saw busts of French royals, big statues that were in front of the Louvre when it was a palace, and Mesopotamian work, including the Code of Hammurabi.

Unfortunately, the Louvre doesn't have as many opportunities for funny photos as the Danish National Museum, so here is Philippe looking at exciting!

I took the photos above and below in the same room, I think they were Egyptian.
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