Friday - my last full day in Denmark
Another bike ride, of course. We wanted to bike to the coast again, but there was a chance of rain, so we went on some trails through a forest instead.

I am a master bike-packer.

We found some beautiful scenery, like this lake and some horses (technically, horses aren't scenery, are they?). The trails we a bit confusing and since we didn't want to check the map at every intersection, we got lost on the way back (but ended up on a main road and made it home just fine).
That evening, we went to a party for students in Elisabeth's program (she got me in too) and made new friends. Some were Danes, plus an American and a Canadian, so even if I don't get to see that fun group again, I know I'm leaving Elisabeth in good hands.

We turned the corner while biking to the train station before the party and saw this.
Saturday - travelday
I hardly saw Elisabeth's other uncle's family during the trip, so we went over there for a wonderful brunch before leaving for the airport. Elisabeth and I took the elevator to the tracks because of my luggage. Good thing, because I'd forgotten what Morten told us about how Danish elevators tell you that they're moving: i fart. We are very mature.

It was so sad to say goodbye, but at least I only have to wait until October to see her again, rather than the usual 1 year.

Best friends of 19 years!
Saturday afternoon-Sunday
Thank goodness my friend Philippe met me at the airport, because I would have been sooo lost without him! We took a train to a metro station, then switched metro lines twice before reaching one near where I'm staying. We got there around six and I finally got to meet my host family, Rosemary and Carina. Carina, who's my age, made us a cake! That was a nice surprise, then I got to unpack, eat dinner with Carina, and get ready to go out. One of her friends was having a party, and getting ready together was a lot of fun. It was great to meet her friends, but I couldn't understand them when they talked to each other, only when they slowed down to talk with me. I was surprised that when people heard me speaking English with others, they asked me where I'm from rather than assuming the US. Nothing like chatting with strangers in a language I haen't had to speak in a year after an exhausting day of travel! I'm really glad I'm staying with another student my age so I can meet other people from around here.
I went to the ATM and grocery store this morning, worked on my French grammar activities to practice for my placement exam, and might meet up with Philippe in a bit to wander around the city.